PATT plans for future events

New officers Front: Jamie Schwickerath-treasurer; Melissa Adams-teacher; and Shannon Reis-president. Back: Karla Murphy-secretary, Lois Leifeld-teacher; and Amy Henry-vice-president.

Parents And Teachers Together, the Lime Springs-Chester parent and teacher group, elected new officers at its meeting on November 3. They are pictured above.

The group’s purpose is to help the teachers make the school a better learning environment for the students. This includes helping with special events, which is what the group did during conferences a few weeks ago.

Members of PATT manned the check-out table of the book fair held during conferences. Jan Cray announced the book fair netted over $1,100 giving each teacher about $81 in free books for their classrooms.

Fund-raisers are being held so the group can purchase items for classrooms and special events. Currently the group is selling World’s Finest Chocolate and plans to have tables at Christmas in Lime Springs (December 4) and Christmas in Chester (December 10). They will also have a table at the Christmas concert on December 8. Besides selling the chocolate bars, a bake sale will be held.

The group will participate in Festival of Trees in Lime Springs on November 27.

The kids will be getting in on some of the fun with another fund-raiser held December 14-21 when they will be able to bring in a quarter to vote for their favorite (or least favorite) staff member. The one with the most votes will draw a ticket and that student will get to “Cream the Teacher” with a pie in the face! You can bet the kids will love this event, which will culminate on December 22, right before Christmas vacation.

Another suggestion was to have a bake sale on Fridays—possibly at the bank. Look for more in the future.

The school is in need of sweatpants and socks (especially for the younger students) for when their clothes get wet. Other items needed are gently used belts, mittens, hats, snow pants and boots. Gently used shoes for P.E. are also needed. Generic shoes are best because what boy wants to wear a Dora the Explorer tennis shoe?

The school has a drop-off for box tops, soup labels and milk lids. If you can’t make it in to drop them off, drop them at the box in the bank entry or give them to a neighbor kid who will feel privileged to deposit them for you.

To try to accommodate more parents, the next meeting will be Monday, December 5 at 6:00 p.m.

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